Dr. Zafar Mirza

Optimising Covid-19 TRIPS Waiver

LIKE every crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic has also brought some opportunities, two in particular. First, it has spurred innovation. In relatively no time, experimental vaccines started queuing up. The mRNA-based vaccine was developed which is a watershed innovation. This is going to profoundly change the future of prevention and therapeutics. Regulatory pathways for emergency use

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Health and Macroeconomic Policies

LAWRENCE Summers has some credentials to reckon with: chief economist of the World Bank (1991-1993); US treasury secretary (1999-2001); president of Harvard University (2001-2006); director of the National Economic Council for president Obama (2009-2010). He is primarily a macroeconomist who has a deep interest in and has made significant contributions to public finance, international economics,

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Vaccine against COVID: Public Health And Private Interests

IMMUNISATION against Covid is a public good. Covid Vaccine work by stimulating the body’s defense mechanisms to provide protection against infection. The World Health Organisation “recognizes the role of extensive immunisation against Covid-19. As a global public good for health in preventing, containing and stopping transmission. In order to bring the pandemic to an end…”.

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